that you should have on your pc too.
Clean up developed by Steven R. Gould
check it here:
I've been using this program for years, this program is like CC Cleaner, with just one click
all your temporary and unwanted files will be flush away (with toilet flush sounds too)
very useful, easy to use and very satisfying to see how much space you can free SAFELY.
To make it short, this program is very useful to any graphic artist because you can view your PSD, AI, PDF files without even opening Photoshop.

Any Video Coverter developed by Anvsoft Inc
self explanatory program, that converts anything to anything. Very useful to video editors.
Handbrake developed by HandBrake Team
Do you want to make your video smaller without losing to much quality?Handbrake it the answer for you. Very useful to any video editors, people who love to transfer videos.
Grammarly is a digital writing assistance tool based on artificial intelligence and natural language processing (wikipedia)
If you love writing this program is a must have.